How to Create CG Characters into a Live-Action Scene – Wonder Studio AI

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In the digital age, a powerful online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. With the rapid advancements in technology, websites have become more than just static online brochures. They have evolved into dynamic platforms that engage users, offer personalized experiences, and adapt to changing needs. WonderDynamics, a prominent player in the dynamic website development industry, has emerged as a trailblazer in creating dynamic websites that redefine user interaction.

How to Use Wonder Dynamic: Step-by-Step Guide

Login and Access:

  1. Visit the Wonder Dynamics website at
  2. Click on the “Login” button to access the Wonder Studio AI interface.
  3. Upon successful login, your name and beta access status will be displayed.

Project Creation:

  1. From the main interface, navigate to the “Projects” section.
  2. Click on the “Create New Project” button.
  3. Enter a project name and click “Continue.”

Video Import:

  1. Within the new project, click the “Load” button under “Videos.”
  2. Select the desired video(s) from your assets and drag them to the timeline.

Character Assignment:

  1. Scan the video for actors by clicking “Scan Frame for Actors.”
  2. Identify the characters to be replaced.
  3. Select replacement characters from your assets and assign them to the respective roles.

Rendering Setup:

  1. Click on the “Render” tab to configure rendering settings.
  2. Choose the desired output resolution (720p or 1080p).
  3. Select the output format (MP4, PNG sequences, or ProRes).
  4. Configure additional settings, such as matching the source video resolution.

Initiate Rendering:

  1. Click the “Start Processing” button to initiate the rendering process.
  2. The project will progress through various stages, including preparing, tracking actors, capturing facial performance, and more.

Monitoring Progress:

  1. Check the project status and progress in the “In Progress” section.
  2. Note that projects can run concurrently without penalizing processing times.

Review and Share:

  1. Once the rendering process is complete, review the output video and quality.
  2. If satisfied, share the video as needed.

Character Guidelines and Resources:

  1. Explore the character creation guidelines for preparing characters compatible with Wonder Studio AI.
  2. Ensure that characters have the necessary blend shapes for facial animation.

Exploring Templates and Assets:

  1. Consider using template projects provided by Wonder Studio AI.
  2. Access your own character assets and explore the community and marketplace features.

Continuous Learning and Exploration:

  1. Utilize tutorials and documentation provided by Wonder Studio AI for further understanding.
  2. Experiment with different projects and characters to explore the capabilities of the platform.


  1. Understand Project Stages: Familiarize yourself with the different stages of a project, from project creation to video preparation, tracking actors, and capturing facial performance. This understanding will help you navigate the process effectively.
  2. Use Templates (Optional): Explore available project templates, especially if you’re just starting. Templates can provide a structured starting point for your animations.
  3. Upload Videos: Add your videos to the project assets. These videos will serve as the foundation for your animation.
  4. Select Characters: Choose characters from the library that suit your scene. Ensure that the chosen characters support the type of animation you’re planning to create, whether it’s facial animation or full body movement.
  5. Follow Character Creation Guidelines: If you plan to create custom characters for your animation, follow the character creation guidelines provided by the platform. This includes creating characters that are compatible with facial blend shapes and other animation features.
  6. Assign Characters to Actors: Place characters in the video by assigning them to actors in your scene. Ensure that characters are positioned appropriately in relation to the video content.
  7. Select Output Settings: Choose the desired output settings for your animation, including resolution and file format. Consider the source video’s quality and select an appropriate output setting.
  8. Queue Projects: If you have multiple projects, you can queue them up for processing. The platform seems to handle simultaneous projects well.
  9. Test and Experiment: Since you’re in a closed beta phase, take the opportunity to experiment with different videos, characters, and animations. Learn the platform’s capabilities and limitations through experimentation.


  1. Rush Through Character Selection: Take your time when selecting characters for your animation. Ensure that the chosen characters are appropriate for the scene and animation style you’re aiming for.
  2. Ignore Character Guidelines: If you’re creating custom characters, don’t skip the character creation guidelines. Following these guidelines is crucial to ensure that your characters can be properly animated within the platform.
  3. Overlook Project Stages: Don’t ignore or overlook the different stages of project processing. Understand that each stage contributes to the final animation output.
  4. Assume All Characters Support Facial Animation: Not all characters in the library support facial animation. Pay attention to character descriptions and features to determine whether facial animation is possible for a specific character.
  5. Neglect Video Quality: When selecting output settings, don’t overlook the quality of the source video. Choose output settings that are appropriate for the source video’s resolution.
  6. Forget to Test: Before finalizing your animation, don’t forget to preview and test the results. This will help you identify any issues or improvements needed before sharing the animation.
  7. Underestimate Preparation: Don’t underestimate the importance of preparing characters and videos according to the platform’s guidelines. Proper preparation will result in better quality animations.
  8. Overload Projects: While you can queue multiple projects, don’t overload the platform with too many simultaneous projects. Keep in mind that processing time may vary based on the length and complexity of the videos.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Ignoring Character Compatibility: Using characters that are not compatible with the animation features you want can lead to disappointing results.
  2. Skipping Guidelines: Neglecting character creation guidelines can result in characters that are not properly rigged or compatible with the platform.
  3. Neglecting Video Quality: Using low-quality source videos may limit the quality of the final animation output.
  4. Not Testing Variations: Failing to test different character placements, animations, and output settings may result in suboptimal animations.
  5. Focusing Only on Template Use: While templates can be helpful, relying solely on them may limit your creative freedom.
  6. Overlooking Stage Details: Not understanding the purpose of each project stage can lead to confusion and errors during the animation process.
  7. Not Exploring Features: Failing to explore all the features and capabilities of the platform may lead to missed opportunities for creative expression.
  8. Rushing Projects: Rushing through projects without proper preparation and testing can lead to animations with errors or issues.

Remember that your understanding of the dos and don’ts may evolve as you gain more experience with the platform and its features.

Understanding Dynamic Websites

Dynamic websites go beyond the traditional static web pages by offering interactivity, real-time updates, and customized content delivery. Unlike static sites that display fixed information, dynamic websites utilize databases, scripting languages, and APIs to fetch and present information tailored to individual users.

The Advantages of Going Dynamic

Enhanced User Engagement

Dynamic websites captivate users with interactive elements like animated graphics, forms, and live chat features. This engagement translates to longer visit durations, increased page views, and a higher likelihood of conversion.

Personalized User Experiences

By analyzing user behavior and preferences, dynamic websites can deliver personalized content recommendations. This level of customization not only impresses users but also fosters brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Seamless Content Updates

Static websites require manual updates to publish new content, which can be time-consuming. Dynamic websites, on the other hand, enable effortless content management through content management systems (CMS), allowing users to publish, modify, and remove content with ease.

WonderDynamics: Revolutionizing Dynamic Websites

Innovative Approach to Web Development

WonderDynamics stands out for its innovative approach to web development. The company combines cutting-edge technologies with creative design to produce dynamic websites that stand the test of time.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs

WonderDynamics understands that each client’s needs are unique. Whether it’s an e-commerce platform, a blog, or a portfolio website, they tailor their solutions to match the specific requirements of the client.

Dynamic Features that Dazzle

Fluid Navigation

WonderDynamics crafts websites with intuitive navigation, ensuring that users can effortlessly find what they’re looking for. This fluidity contributes to a seamless user experience.

Interactive Multimedia

Embedding videos, animations, and interactive infographics, WonderDynamics makes the website content come alive, leaving a lasting impact on visitors.

Real-time Updates

By integrating APIs and real-time data feeds, WonderDynamics’ websites provide users with up-to-the-minute information, keeping them informed and engaged.

The Future of Dynamic Websites

As technology continues to advance, the potential of dynamic websites remains virtually limitless. With the rise of AI and machine learning, we can expect even more personalized experiences and predictive content delivery.


In a world where digital experiences shape perceptions and decisions, dynamic websites have emerged as the forefront of online engagement. WonderDynamics’ pioneering efforts in web development have redefined how we interact with the online world, making each click a journey of discovery and delight. WonderDynamics is one of the leading platform in creating dynamic websites that redefine user interaction. With the rapid advancements in technology, websites have evolved into dynamic platforms that engage users, offer personalized experiences, and adapt to changing needs. WonderDynamics offers a step-by-step guide on how to use their platform. You can log in and access the Wonder Studio AI interface, create a new project, import videos, assign characters, configure rendering settings, initiate rendering, and monitor progress. With WonderDynamics, you can create dynamic websites that stand out from the crowd and offer an unparalleled user experience.


Can dynamic websites work well on mobile devices?

Absolutely! Dynamic websites are designed to be responsive, providing an optimal experience across various devices.

How does personalization work on dynamic websites?

Personalization on dynamic websites is achieved through user data analysis, enabling the delivery of content based on individual preferences.

Is it possible to migrate from a static to a dynamic website?

Yes, with the right expertise, it’s feasible to transition from a static to a dynamic website to enjoy enhanced functionality and user engagement.

Are dynamic websites more prone to security vulnerabilities?

While dynamic websites can have more complex architecture, proper security measures can effectively mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

What sets WonderDynamics apart from other web development companies?

WonderDynamics’ unique blend of innovative technologies, creative design, and customized solutions positions them as a leader in the dynamic website development landscape.

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